Bash shell for windows 10 emacs version 24.4
Bash shell for windows 10 emacs version 24.4

bash shell for windows 10 emacs version 24.4

Here's a sample file: (defproject xtest "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" :description "FIXME: testing lein and clojure" :url "" :license In the file, modify the :plugins value, by adding You will have a file at “xtest/project.clj”. (replace “xtest” by whatever you want to name) This will create a project (a directory) in current directory. Simple Steps to Start Using Cider ① Create a Clojure Project by Leiningen


See: Emacs: How to Install Packages Using ELPA, MELPA, Marmalade On Linux, i recommend you compile yourself, it's very easy if you follow this page:

bash shell for windows 10 emacs version 24.4

See this page for a tutorial: Emacs: How to Install Packages Using ELPA, MELPA, Marmalade You should know how to install emacs MELPA packages. If not, all you have to do is pull menu with mouse. Such as how to open file, how to save file. I assume you already know the basics of emacs. I assume you already have emacs 24.x installed. (like Alt+ x describe-function for emacs lisp, but for Clojure lisp.) About Emacs When editing Clojure code in clojure-mode, you can eval code expression, a selection, or whole buffer.ĬIDER also gives you a interactive Clojure shell inside emacs.ĬIDER also lets you view Clojure function's doc in emacs. Primarily, CIDER lets emacs eval Clojure code within emacs. This page is a tutorial on tool “CIDER”, for working with Clojure in emacs.

Bash shell for windows 10 emacs version 24.4